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To Advertise on GrantsPass.Com
There are several areas to take advantage of on GrantsPass.Com and we invite you to explore them all.
The Classified area at this time is free. So take advantage of the classified area on Grants Pass .Com today.
The Business Directory, Rotating Banners, Specialty Links, Products Links, Video Ad’s, or our Classifieds Section on GrantsPass.Com is Designed for local folks but viewed World Wide.
All Paid Members in the business directory receive Icon & Picture with Name, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail Address, Map to Locations, Link to Web Site, and Listed in Five Categories of Business Directory of your choosing.
Each has its advantages and we invite you to become a member.
A Web Site is a must in this day and age and here at GrantsPass.Com we can provide that presence in a number of ways, from building you a Basic or Custom Web site to meet your needs or simply give you the web presence you need within this site. We also Have TV ads running that you can be part of. Take advantage of the Internet and show all the products or services you have to offer, at a fraction of the cost of Print Ads or Yellow Page Ads .
Log In create a user name and password and you will be able to list ads and take dvantage of effective and affordable local and world wide exsposure.
We invite all for suggestions on information or features you would like to find here on Grants Pass.Com and Visit MedfordOregon.Com for even more exposure.
Smokey’s Stoves offering Sys-Q-logs clean efficient fuel for your woodstove 1 pallet weighs 2000 lb. and is equivalent to one and a half cord of wood and costs only $260.00 a pallet while supply’s last call 541-476-2174 order yours today.
Wiseway Non Electric Pellet Stove becoming a leader and popular way to heat your home. Found Locally at Smokey’s Stove’s in Grants Pass and Medford Or. But shipped all over the U.S. order yours today Sale price limited time $1599.00 call 541-476-2174
Follow Link below
Smokey’s Stoves offering Sys-Q-logs clean efficient fuel for your woodstove 1 pallet weighs 2000 lb. and is equivalent to one and a half cord of wood and costs only $260.00 a pallet while supply’s last call 541-476-2174 order yours today.